The Blue Camembert


Thursday, September 28, 2006

Motorcycle License Acquired

Well I took my road test today. It was absolutely pouring rain, which might have helped a bit because the tester who was following in a car could not always see my mistakes. e.g. I forgot to signal when resuming travel after the emergency stop (in which I also stalled the engine at the side of the road). The ones they did catch were apparently that I did not look at a few hazards, and did not check my mirrors a couple times when I should have, but other than that there were no faults. In the end I passed with 8 demerits out of a maximum allowable of 25.

Thanks Karina and Jason for letting me borrow the bike! I guess I will have to get my own one of these days.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Viruses and Motorbikes

Some virus has replaced my ftp client with a trojan horse. Argh. Now I cannot upload pictures. My virus scanner does not seem to recognize this as a problem either...

Motorcycle driving test tomorrow. I have been driving every day for the past couple of weeks now. I feel confident but still concerned that I will make a stupid mistake such as forgetting to cancel a turn signal or something and waste my $75. It is also supposed to rain tomorrow. Not sure how well I would fair riding the test in the rain. Crossing my fingers.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hiking in the Western Uplands

Rob and I went hiking in the Western Uplands a couple weeks ago. I finally got the photos up.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Stay off the sidewalk! I am learning how to drive a motorbike. My friend Karina was nice enough to lend me her bike so I could take my road test to complete my graduated license program (else I lose my M2 soon). I have 12 days to become an expert. At first the bike did not run, but her partner Jason and I spent the afternoon today tinkering and got the hog going.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Well I got the trip report up on my website for the Kejimkujic hike in Nova Scotia if anyone is interested. Lots more pics there.

Rob and I are off on a four day hike around the northern loop of the Western Uplands tommorrow. Should be fun even though the weather forcast does not look good. Rain, rain, and more rain. Argh.