The Blue Camembert


Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Fly away!

The crows are now quite large and getting ready to leave the nest. In fact today one of them took its first flight this morning into the tree next door.

It then was stuck in this tree for the rest of the day, unable to get back. Its sibblings were not quite so daring and instead hung out on the home tree, waiting to see if brother had made a fatal mistake or not.

With the crows leaving the nest, our attention may have to wander back to the geese.

Friday, June 24, 2005


I hope this product comes to the Herb and Spice soon. I want some!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Firewood to Bowl

I spent several evenings this week and a good chunk of the weekend turning these two salad bowls.

I rescued them out of a big chunk of wood from a tree that was destined for firewood. One of them is a wedding present. I have not figured out what to do with the second one... maybe I will keep it for myself.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Made in Chaiwan

I always wondered what the employees at the Asian manufacturing giants think about the crap they make for the Western world. This article has satisfied my curiosity.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Friday we had a black-out at work. Fortunately the power went out first thing in the morning. When it came back on the servers did not come back up... so the boss sent us home. Hence with the new found time, I got the chairs to match the table complete!

Today Emily and I went for a hike around mud lake. The scenery was nice and we spent a little over an hour hiking about and exploring the various trails. We saw lots of wildlife including birds, squirells and turtles. Then we were walking along one of the many side trails and came across a couple humans that were mating... right in the middle of the trail. Ahh nature in the city at its best!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Lathes, Garage Sales, and Crows

The weekend was a busy one. On Friday I finally obtained a proper switch (on waranty) for my lathe from Mytek Power tools. Saturday morning I spent a bit of time installing it. Looks a lot cleaner now than the jerry rigged wiring I have been using for the past several months.

Saturday was my neighbourhoods community garage sale. Rob, Amber, Emily and myself wandered around for a few hours and bought a bunch of junk. I put out a table full of books priced as free... and sold a measly four of them. Last year I charged fifty cents each and got rid of about twenty in the Glebe garage sale. Something is wrong here. Maybe next year I will charge five bucks and people will go ape shit over them. Rob bought a shelving unit from a guy a few blocks away. After carrying it back to my place, he borrowed my bike trailler to get it back to his house.

The crows have also hatched at work. It appears we have four babies.