The Blue Camembert


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mojito Muddler

Emily and I just got back from a week down in Cuba. We enjoyed the local cuisine and especially the local drinks. Our favourite is a traditional Cuban drink called the Mojito. It is basically made with a bunch of mint mashed together with sugar and lime juice using a tool called a muddler. The drink is topped with white rum, soda water and ice. Serve with a straw and a stir stick in a highball glass. Now that we know the secret, we just needed the tools. Tonight I turned this muddler from my memories of watching Cuban bartenders prepare these for us.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Saw Table Extension

This weekend I completed my latest woodworking project... an extension table for the saw, which is also a router table. I needed the router table so I can do some raised panel doors for the next project. Full details on the router/saw table may be found here.

The age of the beard has ended

Today I removed the beard I grew this winter.

