Bamboo Spagetti
My brother who came back from Japan a few months ago got me this strange snack food for christmas. Basically it was instant cold noodles with sauce out of a fake plastic bamboo shoot. Not sure the western market is ready for this...

My brother who came back from Japan a few months ago got me this strange snack food for christmas. Basically it was instant cold noodles with sauce out of a fake plastic bamboo shoot. Not sure the western market is ready for this...
Amazingly, Bell pulled through and our phone was working by the time I got home from work yesterday. Apparently our line was 'accidentally' disconnected at the switch box. Whatever happened to five-nines reliability? Since moving to this house our phone reliability has been less than 98%.
Our phone line is down again since Friday. There was a crew of telephone repair guys in the neighbourhood on Saturday, and I assumed that they were fixing things. Nope, not ours. I called Bell and they assured me that it will be repaired by 21:00 tonight. Hopefully they are a little more prompt than the last time. If you need to get a hold of Emily or I, simply leave a message or send an email and we will try to get back within 24 hours.
Well maybe my LED headlight was not the best design. It worked great for about 5 hours of commuting to work and back and then began to dim. I thought that maybe my battery was dying, but that is not the case. Further investigation has shown that: