The Blue Camembert


Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I suck at updating my blog.

I am pretty lazy at updating my blog, or maybe I am not too lazy as I am just very busy doing other more interesting things such as...

- Working, working, working. Too much of this. One day I will retire. I love my job but dislike the fact that work consumes 80% of my life when I am not sleeping. Even when sleeping sometimes I solve engineering problems in my dreams.

- Biking. I am riding from Ottawa to Halifax at the end of May so require a fair amount of training for this. Fortunately I live 20km from work and can therefore fit in 40km of bike riding every day in the time that most people spend sitting in a car on their way to and from work.

- Building a set of patio furniture. The new saw is being put to work to replace my old sun bleached plastic Bloblaws furniture with some nice cedar stuff. If I keep at it at the rate I am going, I'll have everyone over for a BBQ the last weekend in November to show it off.

- Everything else in my life... groceries, cooking supper, drinking beer and of course trying to spend enough time with Emily.

I'll post some pics of the patio furniture in progress in the near future.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Winter camping part II

No we did not go winter camping again! I just got the pictures back from developing. Here is me coming out of the quincy. More photos are here.