Eastern Loop
Friday - Aug 3 - Biking 36 km
Rode to work. Rode home, accompanied by Mike for most of the route.Saturday - Aug 4 - Biking 127 km
Rode an eastern loop. Started down the Rockcliffe parkway, continuing on the closed section, which is freshly paved. At one point I hit a bump while crossing a bridge that did not feel right. Rode on down the road for another km and then stopped for a quick break. I noticed that one of my water bottles was missing. I rode back to the bumpy bridge and there was my bottle sitting in the middle of the road. Continued through Orleans and pursued a couple of touring cyclists for several km before catching up with them. Wanted to chat, but just as I passed another dude showed up and had already engaged in conversation, so I just said Hi as I rode past. Turned south on a promising road, but it soon turned to gravel. Continued anyway and found another paved road that also turned to gravel. Continued anyway again until I got onto some more major roads. Stopped in Vars for lunch in the Lions club park. The final 30 km were very tiring. I had not intended to ride as far as I did, but did it anyway.Weeks Total: Biking 361 km
Year to Date: Biking 5549 km, Hiking 46 km, Paddling 88 km, Skating 129 km, Skiing 187 km
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