Nova Scotia Trip
Emily and I went to Nova Scotia for two weeks, mainly to do some hiking but also to do some exploring. We arrived in Halifax, rented a car and drove east for a bit along the coast until we found a bed and breakfast to spend the first night.

The next day we drove along the Cabot trail into the Cape Bretton Highlands.

We spent some time exploring the spectacular cliffs along the ocean.

We also did several day hikes within Highlands National Park. This picture was taken as we hiked up onto the plateau along a trail that was mostly a stream. The terrain is very similiar to Newfoundland, with rocks, bog, and blueberries everywhere.

We also spent a day hiking along the eastern coast which crossed many of these boulder beaches.

There was a dead whale on the beach. The seagulls were having a feast.

We then went down to Louisburg and checked out the recreation of the failed French fortress. The level of detail and historical accuracy in the construction of the buildings was incredible.

We then went to Halifax and checked out the busker festival. This dude got me and another volunteer to hoist him up onto the top of a ten foot pole so he could juggle some knives, while spinning a blade tipped staff on his head.

Then the main point of the trip happened. A four day hike in Kejimkujic National Park. My friend Dave joined us for the first day, but then hiked out on the second day.

The second day for Emily and I was an interesting trail through many types of forests and bogs. The place was deserted. There were more bear signs along the trail than human. We crossed one bridge that a bear had torn a chunk out of the railing for some reason.

There was also lots of poison ivy throughout the bogs.

The last two days of the hike were very dull as the trail became a gravel road. After leaving the park, we decided to visit the Lunenburg County Winery where we tasted many different fruit wines, and also ended up buying a bunch which made our bags too heavy for the airplane ride home.

Finally we went to Peggy's Cove. After visiting the lighthouse and wading through the busloads of tourists, we went hiking along the coast a little bit farther east of the town. We found this weird sculpture constructed out of welded iron on top of a rock.

Nice photos Mike. It looks like you guys had an awesome adventure.
(Rob M)
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